The AGI hysteria, predicting that the Terminator is coming for us all, is driven by psycho-sociopaths in the media. These same people would have burned anyone who dared to build an aeroplane centuries ago (“How dare you, God will punish us all for trying to fly like him!”).

The same level of absurdity is rampant today: “We have to be careful or some big language model will become sentient and its first decision will be to kill everyone”. Note the sequence of concatenated absurdities (what do these people have in their heads other than a lot of sci-fi movies?).

These people are just manipulated puppets of those who are really in charge. Those who want to own everything related to AI: regulation, technology, business, narrative, etc. The same thing happened with oil 100 years ago.

This multi-layered mechanism of deception (which also applies to many other issues in politics and economics) makes the whole thing opaque to most of the population.