AI in the Workplace: Boosting Productivity or Just Hype?

Upwork Study Finds Employee Workloads Rising Despite Increased C-Suite Investment in Artificial Intelligence

A new study from Upwork shows that people have very different ideas about AI. While 96% of executives think AI makes them more productive, 77% of workers think it has made their jobs harder and less efficient.

It seems that 96% of C-suite executives said they think AI will make their company more productive, and 39% said their companies already require employees to use AI tools.

On the other hand, 77% of workers say AI has made them less productive and given them more work to do. Additionally, 47% said they didn’t know how to boost their bosses’ productivity.

➡️ Apparently, overcoming issues of trust, governance and lack of AI education is becoming more critical by the day.

➡️ BUT the real story (hidden in these studies) is about focusing on specific business tasks and ignoring the noise of magical AI-for-all needs.

