Many are still selling the idea of AI as some kind of hybrid between a conscious encyclopaedia and an electronic Leonardo da Vinci.

These toxic ideas of AI taking care of almost everything and firing or killing everyone have burdened the AI industry for several years due to failed expectations.

There won’t be AGI (artificial general intelligence) any time soon. Not with today’s chip architecture. Consciousness is not computable; meaning is not an algorithmic process.

Realise that most of the news you see around is deliberately made to support bubbles. The perpetual cycle of inflate + deflate to create money and transfer wealth to the top of the pyramid.

AI is just another technology. It needs well-defined applications, boundary conditions, proper governance and training. The more defined the constraints and specifics of AI products, the better. No hype, no doom.

Read about the specific, targeted areas where AI has the potential to make a real difference. There are quite a few. The opportunity for new applications and businesses lies, as always, at the frontier between technology and real life, not in a science fiction film.
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