Luis García de la Fuente


There are two different types of people in the world, those who want to know, and those who want to believe.

~ Nietzsche

La Simulación

El mundo es una proyección arquetípica de una realidad con más dimensiones.

Como la pantalla de tu ordenador, en la que se muestra una imágen interactiva de internet por la que puedes navegar e interaccionar en dos dimensiones.

Una imagen que es es fundamentalmente es luz e información. Información que se crea y re-crea instantaneamente en todo el mundo a través de millones de pantallas.…

Feasibility of Registering and Developing 1,000 Domains in Untapped Market

Q. I have compiled a list of almost 1,000 unregistered domains in my country’s TLD that contain valuable keywords (e.g. mortgage.tld, banks.tld, carinsurance.tld). I can register these for $5 each. With a team of 5 people, we can populate these sites with content over 2 months by working on 4 sites per day. The goal is not to monetize through ads due to extremely low CPMs, but rather to build authoritative sites and then sell them to businesses in those industries for around $1,000 each or get $20-50/month advertising deals.…

Humanoid robots: the new distraction for the plebs

Humanoid robots are another distraction for the plebs.

Now that AGI is fading from the news (who would have thought), the new kid in town to inflate the semiconductor bubble is… humanoid robots.

Stop following the BS and propaganda. Learn to focus on how AI can deliver real value to people and businesses. The future is about augmenting humans with AI, not Terminator wannabes.…

Poner un nombre nuevo en la cabeza de la gente es el primer paso para crear algo nuevo; como un contenedor al que hay dotar de significado. A continuación se trata de afinar el significado que se le da, más allá del éxito del negocio o valor tangible. Hacer a la gente participar en una revolución desde el principio, al tiempo que se genera empleo y valor.

Enhancing LLM Data Analysis through Specialized Tool Integration

Large language models like GPT-4 have shown incredible capabilities, but they fall short when it comes to rigorous data analysis, especially on large datasets. This shortcoming arises from their relatively small context window sizes that cannot accommodate full datasets, as well as the probabilistic nature of their text generation process which is ill-suited for precise statistical calculations.…

The 5-Step Feynman Technique with ChatGPT

The Feynman technique is recommended for rapid learning. We have a variation of this technique that involves five steps. Five Steps for Learning:

  • Select a Skill/Topic: Decide on the subject or skill you want to master.
  • Find Key Concepts: Use Chat GPT to get an overview of the topic and then break it down into key concepts.
  • Explain Like You’re Talking to a Child: The Feynman technique emphasizes explaining concepts as if to a child.

Privacy for the masses will soon be history

In the coming years, the Internet will become more centralised than ever before and will eventually become just another media system, like cable TV.

You will have issued your “internet access device” and it will only run on approved services and software that is fully monitored.

This is closer than it looks with mobile applications. And it will happen on the internet, using some kind of “event” as an excuse for ISPs/networks to block traffic.…

AI Deception: How Tech Companies Are Fooling Us

En tecnología hay varios mundos o niveles de abstracción. En el mundo que se mueve la prensa y los “influencers” apenas hay valor para los negocios: la mayoría de la información se centra en los avances más recientes. Y éstos no siempre se pueden traducir en valor para las empresas.

Por otra parte para crear un producto no hace falta estar a la última: ésta es una de las grandes falacias que se alimenta desde los medios a todas horas.…

OpenAI transcribed over a million hours of YouTube videos to train GPT-4

All of these models are based on privatizing the commons, literally the whole of the internet.

This is a very different approach to Google, which basically lives on crediting authors and sending them traffic.

Also, if you ask a model to help you scrape a website, it’ll go on a ethics tirade about how questionable scraping is.…

AI Equivalence in Copilot

the request: “Please draw a room with absolutely no bananas in it”

is equivalent to …

the request: “Please draw a Zen room with some bananas in it”

Large datasets curation as a new business model

The perpetual need for up-to-date data to fuel evolving AI models is undeniable. Entrepreneurs can seize this opportunity by specializing in the curation of vast datasets, catering to industries hungry for fresh insights.

Partnerships between tech giants and data-rich platforms highlight the immense value placed on quality datasets. By mastering the curation process and offering subscription-based access, entrepreneurs can tap into a lucrative market with significant potential for growth.…

What AI and SaaS platforms get wrong

So many AI and SaaS platforms get it wrong

They really think that millions of people are going to spend hours learning how to create great images, text and video.

Nobody – apart from a few early adopters – is going to do that.

If you want to provide a tool with lots of features, go B2B. Focus on creating an ecosystem of agencies and consultants who can get a return on their investment in a learning curve.…

The real AI is about your time

The real AI thing will be some kind of AI agent that can handle all of your online digital interactions, including but not limited to:

– Managing the agenda,
– Writing and answering emails,
– Web browsing and online transactions,
– Summarising and commenting on news stories
– Taking part in meetings and phone calls, etc.

Imagine having an AI agent that efficiently takes care of all your online interactions, meeting with it for 20-30 minutes a day to give further instructions or get updates, and having the rest of the day to think or do whatever you want.…

Open Source vs Private Models

While the performance of GPT-4 Turbo and other closed AI models is improving, open-source models are gaining ground quickly. Recently, China’s 01.AI released an open-source model, Yi-34B, that outperformed its open-source peers on several benchmarks. On MMLU, a benchmark measuring basic knowledge across 57 subjects, for example, Yi-34B scored 76.3%, surpassing the 68.9% and 70.4% of other open-source models like Meta Platforms’ LLaMA2-70B and the TII’s Falcon-180B, respectively.…

Gödel showed with his incompleteness theorems that any consistent formal system strong enough to describe the fundamental properties of arithmetic is necessarily incomplete. This means there will always be true mathematical statements that cannot be proved within the system.

There are several ways out of the Matrix, and maths is just one of them.

Claude 3 notes

Three models of Claude 3: Haiku, Sonet, and Opus.

Haiku is noted as the fastest but less accurate, suitable for customer service. Opus is the most powerful, designed for tougher logic questions. Sonet is in between, serving as the free version. Opus outperforms GPT 4 and Gemini 1.0 Ultra in various benchmarks. Sonet even outperforms GPT 4 in some cases. Claude 3 now includes vision capabilities, surpassing some leading models in certain tasks.…

El Mundo de Ayer: Memorias de un Europeo (S.Zweig)

El mundo de ayer es uno de los más conmovedores y atractivos testimonios de nuestro pasado reciente, escrito además con mano maestra por un europeo empapado de civilización y nostalgia por un mundo, el suyo, que se iba desintegrando a pasos agigantados. Escritor extraordinariamente popular y testigo de excepción de los cambios que convulsionaron la Europa del siglo XX entre las dos guerras mundiales, Zweig recuerda, desposeído y en tierra extraña—en unas circunstancias personales de insospechado dramatismo—, los momentos fundamentales de su vida, paralela en mucho a la desmembración de aquella Europa central que se quería más libre y segura, al abrigo de la locura y la tormenta.…

La Défaite de l’Occident

Todd clearly defines how the 1688 English “Glorious Revolution”, the 1776 American Declaration of Independence and the 1789 French Revolution were the true pillars of the liberal West. Consequently, an expanded “West” is not historically “liberal”, because it also engineered “Italian fascism, German Nazism and Japanese militarism”.

L’implosion de l’URSS a remis l’histoire en mouvement.…

Complexity and Time Traveling

Treating complex systems as networks is an interesting approach, but as the system scales, you quickly run out of computing power to run any simulation.

Scale-free networks lead to emergent properties (e.g. the shape of a fern, a snowflake, a human body or even an idea), which express archetypal forms that exist prior to the network.

An emergent form can’t just appear in this reality because that would imply some kind of ontological paradox, so it becomes or ‘falls’ here according to the appropriate laws of space-time, but from a higher dimensional space where it exists out of time.…

Product management and customer engagement is the real marketing

When you create a new product, there are 2 types of marketing activities: the easy ones and the hard ones.

Easy marketing activities: press releases, brochures, new websites, SEO, social media posts, etc. Most of the time these activities just feed the egos of non-customers, partners, the board, the entrepreneur and industry pundits.

Hard marketing is about engaging customers, finding them, creating a solution for them, making it easy for them to buy from you, and being a trustworthy vendor.…

People expect ChatGPT to be as accurate as an encyclopaedia and as comprehensive as Google. But that’s a misconception. ChatGPT is trained to create content, not to tell the truth.

GPT models require fine-tuning, embedding, plugins, etc. on top of the base model to provide reliable information.

The real added value of ChatGPT lies in the language skills: for the first time you interact with a machine in natural language.…

The Simulation

The mind is capable of seeing the future and navigating alternative realities through inspirations and desires. All these potential realities become objectively real when we focus our attention on them. All of creation in its infinite versions is ready, but it is up to us which part is represented and what role we play, like in a video game. That’s the Simulation.…