Luis García de la Fuente


Custom GPTs are a step in the opposite direction to AGI

Hopefully, sooner or later, people will realise that custom GPTs are not exactly the way to achieve AGI.

Actually having to tell the model which other model to use to perform certain tasks is the exact opposite of AGI.

Among many other things, AGI is solving all your problems online, learning from mistakes, exploring new creative and efficient ways to deliver value, interacting with you as a conscious independent being, etc… and all of this implies that you do not tell the model how to do things, even at an abstract semantic level.…

The Moving Target of Technology

Everyone is confused and stressed about what to build on AI because everyone is focused on a moving target: technology.

No one is talking about what companies really need. The real challenge is not the AI models, the blockchain, the apps and so on, but how to create value.

Technology is a moving target and will remain so. Its only part of the equation: the fundamental part is people.…

Whenever you see someone trying to help “all mankind” with some utopian or impossible proposal, be afraid.

The economies of scale of AI are now working at full speed

The explosion of AI startups in dozens of sectors masks something many of them share: They are increasingly built on top of standardized technology from a few AI giants like OpenAI, Google, and Meta. This puts a premium on strategy over proprietary technology.

La gota de agua que cae es tu conciencia, generando las ondas que hacen el mundo. El mundo empieza por ti mismo: pensamientos, emociones, cuerpo, etc. El espíritu cae en el mundo material y se mezcla con él tomando forma, ya sea directamente como un árbol, o a través de ti.

About GPT-5 in S.Altman Interview

In the interview with Sam Altman, he discusses the unexpected success and transformative impact of ChatGPT and GPT-4, emphasizing their greater usefulness than initially anticipated. He provides insights into GPT-5, highlighting its increased intelligence and capacity to handle longer, more complex problems. Altman envisions a shift towards natural language interfaces for computer interactions, where workflows are conducted inside language models.…

La complejidad es la toxina de las sociedades modernas.
Las webs, las noticias, los contenidos viven de generar complejidad.

Can you imagine a room without elephants without first thinking of elephants?

Perhaps generative AI actually draws and speaks its thoughts, rather than what you ask it to do.

La esponja de Menger es un fractal de 3 dimensiones de volumen 0 y superficie infinita. Esto significa que esta geometría se podría usar para disipar el calor de máquinas de forma ultra-eficiente toda vez que además la resistencia mecánica estaría bastante asegurada.

fractal dimension log(20)/log(3) ≈ 0.909
volume = lim as n-∞ of (20/27)ⁿ = 0
surface = lim as n-∞ of (4/3)ⁿ = ∞…

Conciousness is not Computable

In this interview, Roger Penrose, a mathematical physicist, discusses his interest in consciousness and its departure from his usual scientific pursuits. His fascination emerged from early discussions with his father about the computational nature of consciousness. During his undergraduate studies, exposure to Godel’s theorem and discussions on quantum mechanics further shaped his views.…

About the GPT Store

It is like SAP inviting people to build and sell their own ERP based on SAP. Makes sense if its focused on custom knowledge for specific business cases.

But people interested in custom GPTs are mostly companies and professionals. And companies need reliable and qualified custom services, not just “plug-ins of expertise”.

It will all depend on implementation, but I wouldn’t try to be all things to all people.…

Testing different GPT models to check hallucinations

It is important to note that what most people are using (the gpt-3.5 version) is probably a dumb gpt-4, not an older version of the model. I have no way of proving this, it is just an intuition given the results of this and other tests.

For this test, we want to test both the hallucinatory bias and the ability to calculate of the gpt model. The best way to do this is to ask the model to do some arithmetic according to an abstract rule (see the code above).…

The fallacy of Universal Basic Income (UBI)

The fallacy of Universal Basic Income (UBI)

UBI is never a solution, it will lead to inflation and become worthless almost immediately.

Then governments will impose price controls to satisfy the plebs, leading to shortages of basic goods. That’s when violence and real dictatorship begin.

This is all very basic economics; socialism does not need to be reinvented.…

How do we get to UBI and Post-Labor Economics?

How do we get to UBI and Post-Labor Economics? Decentralized Ownership: the New Social Contract!

UBI is never a solution, it will lead to inflation and become basically worthless almost immediately, then governments will impose price controls which will lead to shortages of basic goods. Socialism has already been invented and this is very basic economics, don’t be fooled by the UBI stupidity.…

Almas de Metal, a caballo entre 2001 y Blade Runner

Almas de Metal, a caballo entre 2001 y Blade Runner, antecedente de Terminator. Una obra de arte de la ciencia ficción, recreada como serie hace muy pocos años por HBO con Anthony Hopkins en “Westworld”.

El hombre en su esquizofrenia filosófica afirma no haber sido creado por nadie, y al mismo tiempo cree poder fabricar máquinas conscientes y por lo tanto creativas.…

The Frontier of Automation

IMF Report: AGI destroys all jobs within 5 to 20 years! Frontier of Automation expands beyond humans

Anton Korinek
Fellow, Brookings Institute
Professor, UVA
Former, Johns Hopkins, IMF

Frontier of Automation – Task complexity of machines increases over time
Unbounded Distribution – Human task complexity can go up indefinitely, meaning that some people will always be ahead of AGI and ASI
Bounded Distribution – Humans have a maximum task complexity (Theory of General Relativity)

Outlines 3 Scenarios

The time machine of reality

This is machine learning training on landscapes.

StyleGAN3 is a generative adversarial network that is particularly effective at generating photorealistic faces.

A latent space of shapes in generative AI looks like a time machine, because reality is like a time machine.

Millions of years are passing in front of your eyes in a matter of seconds.

Reality is an archetypal film that reproduces a higher dimensional manifold that contains everything at once.…

Could AI Run the Government?

People entrust their lives to very simple AI mechanisms like traffic lights, I don’t see any reason why public budgets and investments couldn’t be managed by transparent and accountable AI systems.

The real reason for AI regulation is not the “Terminator might come true” argument (only a few ignorant people believe that). The reason is to make it clear to everyone that society needs ‘protectors’ such as corporations and politicians.…

Hallucinations, biggest issue with LLMs

People continue to use LLMs as talking encyclopaedias, completely unaware of the fact that these tools need to be primed with factual data.

Terminator not coming yet

Terminator not coming yet (sorry AGI maniacs)

New paper by Google provides evidence that transformers (GPT, etc) cannot generalize beyond their training data.

Our empirical results show transformers demonstrate near-optimal unsupervised model selection capabilities, in their ability to first in-context identify different task families and in-context learn within them when the task families are well-represented in their pretraining data.

Shinto priest blessing the first Japan domestically produced F-35 at Mitsubishi facility, Nagoya, Japan

Chlorophyll vs Hemoglobin

The composition of a chlorophyll molecule consists of a porphyrin ring linked to a central atom. This structural arrangement closely resembles the heme group present in hemoglobin, with the distinction being that heme’s central atom is iron, whereas chlorophyll’s is magnesium.

Chlorophyll and heme are similar because they are both derived from a common ancestor molecule called tetrapyrrole

Tetrapyrroles are organic compounds that have four pyrrole rings connected by methine bridges.…

A 2D life form created with a single, continuous line

The concept of a 2D life form with a fractal structure for energy exchange is intriguing and speculative, as it goes beyond our current understanding of life forms based on carbon chemistry in three-dimensional space.

Anatomy and Structure:

The life form could have a fractal structure that repeats at various scales. This fractal pattern would allow for efficient surface area maximization, aiding in energy absorption and exchange.…